


  • 团聚类Family Sponsorship


出处 IMM 5289:https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/application-forms-guides/guide-5289-sponsor-your-spouse-common-law-partner-conjugal-partner-dependent-child-complete-guide.html#documents

及Guide 5772:https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/application-forms-guides/guide-5772-application-sponsor-parents-grandparents.html

“Translation of documents

You must send the following for any document that is not in English or French: 

the English or French translation; and

an affidavit from the person who completed the translation (see below for details); and

a certified copy of the original document. 

If the translation isn’t done by a member in good standing of a provincial or territorial organization of translators and interpreters in Canada, you must submit an affidavit swearing to the accuracy of the translation and the language proficiency of the translator. A certified translator will provide both a certified translation and certified copies of the original documents. 

Note: An affidavit is a document on which the translator has sworn, in the presence of a person authorized to administer oaths in the country where the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. Translators who are certified in Canada don’t need to supply an affidavit.”

您需要提供:翻译件、宣誓书和原件的认证副本。您可以找任何人提供翻译服务,但必须提供宣誓书(Affidavit),也就是需要翻译员在公证员面前宣誓翻译属实。如您选择认证翻译员,则无需提供宣誓书,认证翻译员可以提供认证翻译(certified translation)及原件的认证副本(certified copies of the original documents)。也就是说,选择我们的认证翻译服务,您就无需花费额外的时间和金钱进行公证了!


  • 技术类 Skilled Workers

通过快速通道EE(Express Entry)提交申请文件时,同样需要将非英、法文的证件翻译成英文。IRCC官网对于通过EE系统提交翻译件的要求如下:


“Translation of documents
If one of your documents is in a language other than English or French, you must also upload:

an English or French translation
a certified photocopy of the original document
an affidavit from the person who completed the translation (if they’re not a certified translator)
If a certified translator completed your translation:

the document must be stamped with the translator’s certification or registration number
you can indicate that you’re not providing an affidavit because a certified translator completed the translation (write a letter and scan it with your translated document)”

对于EE系统的翻译件要求,官网上有明确规定,即,certified translator提供的翻译不需要再附宣誓书(affidavit) 。这一点同时也通过多名成功获得签证的客户以及多位加拿大的移民律师认可。如您使用我们的服务,则我们会提供翻译员的声明书、翻译件及认证复印件,均加盖翻译员认证翻译章和签名。根据我们的经验,这样就已经满足了IRCC对翻译件的要求,具体情况您可加微信客服(微信号:haitaohui)或通过邮件(info@lingobridgeca.com)、电话(+1 778 858 6708)咨询。

事实上,大部分CTTIC协会成员(包括New Brunswick, Ontario, Québec 和 British Columbia)都已经通过立法认可认证翻译员(certified translator)(出处:The titles of certified translator, certified interpreter and certified terminologist are now recognized by legislation in New Brunswick, Ontario, Québec and British Columbia. http://www.cttic.org/certification.asp)。因此,认证翻译员出具的statement已经具有法律效力。在这种情形下,affidavit在法律层面确实是没有必要的。BC省早在2011年就已经向当时的CIC提出申请:认证译员无需提供affidavit,因此我们可以看到IRCC官网上的各类guide中都有专门的说明,即certified translator不需要提供affidavit。阿省翻译协会也直接在官网上写明了这一点(https://www.atia.ab.ca/about/faqs):

“According to Citizenship and Immigration Canada, documents translated by translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit. It means that the translator only needs to attach his or her Translator’s Declaration to the translated and original documents.Any other translator needs to attach an affidavit (a sworn declaration made by the translator before a notary or commissioner for oaths).”





“Provide a certified translation with any documents not in English or French”





“If your documents are not in English, you must provide a certified translation with photocopies of the originals. Documents must be stamped and certified by a person officially authorized to notarize documents as accurate translations.”


我们咨询了BC PNP关于要求中“Notarize documents”的含义,收到的答复如下:

”Thank you for your email.

Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit. Documents must contain the date of translation, the translator’s signature and certification number.

Thank you for contacting the BC Provincial Nominee Program.


BC Provincial Nominee Program

Immigration Programs Branch

Workforce Development & Immigration Division

Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology

Email:  PNPInfo@gov.bc.ca

Website:  www.WelcomeBC.ca/PNP“

也就是说,BC PNP官方确认,certified translation不需要额外提供affidavit。




The MPNP will accept translated documents by a certified English/French translator or any person (with the necessary translation ability) other than the principal applicant’s spouse, a member of the principal applicant’s family, or a paid third party (immigration representative) that has assisted and prepared the application to the MPNP. A Translator Affidavit must be provided, which describes the translation ability of the translator.”



New Brunswick NB省

“If your documents are not in English or French, send a notarized (certified) translation with a copy of the original version.”



Newfoundland and Labrador纽芬兰省


“If documents are in a language other than English or French, the following three documents must be submitted:

  1. A copy of the original document;

  2. A copy of the English or French translation of the document; and

  3. A copy of an affidavit from the translator describing his or her translation ability. Translators shall be a qualified person, other than a family member or spouse.

IRCC requires that the translator be certified by a regulatory body as a translator. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that translations meet all Federal Government requirements when applying for permanent residency.”



Nova Scotia新省


“Certified Translation of Documents: When documents are not in English or in French, the principal applicant must submit a photocopy of the original document and a photocopy of the certified translation. The Office of Immigration will only accept translations prepared by certified translators. Translators must be certified by a regulatory body and cannot be a family member of the applicant or spouse, or common-law partner, or work for a paid consultant or representative who is preparing the application. The applicant must also supply proof from the translator describing their translation ability or certification.”





“If any of your supporting documents are not in English or French, you must provide a copy of the document and a complete, certified or notarized translation of the document.

If you are applying from within Ontario, the translations must be completed by a certified translator accredited by the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO). For more information on certified translators in Ontario, visit the ATIO’s website.

If you are applying from within Ontario but cannot locate a certified translator accredited by ATIO with proficiency in the language required for translation, the translation may be completed by any translator as long the translation is notarized. To request this exception, you must include a letter to explain why the translations are not certified and demonstrate your efforts to locate a certified translator.

If you are applying from outside Ontario, the translation can be completed by any translator. However, the translation must be notarized. The OINP reserves the right to require applicants to submit translations completed by a certified translator accredited by ATIO if the notarized translation is deemed insufficient by officers assessing the application.”



Prince Edward Island爱德华王子岛


“If your documents are not in English or French, you must provide a copy of the certified translation and a copy of the original document.”





“If your documents aren’t in English or French, you must submit the following: 

A copy of the original document;

A copy of the English or French translation of the document; and,

A copy of an affidavit from the translator, describing their translation ability.

About Translators

Translators must be: Certified by a regulatory body, as required by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)”



总结而言,通过加拿大翻译协会的认证译员提供的认证翻译件(certified translation)是加拿大各省及IRCC普遍接受和认可的。相比去公证处进行文件的公证和翻译,即节省时间,也节省费用,是更佳的选择。欢迎您随时与我们联系咨询报价

(点击左下角的“阅读原文”即可进入语桥翻译的官方网站 http://www.yqfy.ca)。

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