




Architect I.M. Pei leaves legacy of beauty and functionality


I.M. Pei, an American modernist architect regarded as one of the world’s leading designers of civic centers and cultural institutions, including the National Gallery of Art’s East Building, the glass pyramid at the entrance to the Louvre in Paris and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, died May 16 at a hospital in Manhattan. He was 102. His son Li Chung “Sandi” Pei confirmed the death but did not provide a specific cause.


Considered one of the most significant and prolific architects of the 20th century, the New York-based designer left a legacy of notable buildings that span the globe. His significant works include the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan (1979 to 1986); the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas (1982 to 1989); the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong (1982 to 1989); and the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar (2003 to 2008).

(贝聿铭)被认为是20世纪最重要和最多产的建筑师之一,这位纽约设计师留下了横跨全球的著名建筑遗产。他的重要作品包括曼哈顿的雅各布·k·贾维茨会议中心(1979年至1986年);达拉斯莫顿·h·梅尔森交响乐中心(1982 - 1989);香港中银大厦(1982 - 1989);以及卡塔尔多哈的伊斯兰艺术博物馆(2003年至2008年)。

“You cannot talk about architecture in the last 60 years without talking seriously about I.M. Pei,” said Robert A.M. Stern, a former dean of the Yale University School of Architecture. He referred to Mr. Pei as perhaps the greatest modern maker of monuments, and he said of Mr. Pei’s legacy: “It’s not a single building. It’s his work over a generation of time and his logical and relentless pursuit of the highest degree of excellence.”


Mr. Pei has been credited with rescuing modernist architecture, typically stark buildings with little or no ornamentation, from its reputation as a cold and forbidding art form. He did so by creating open public spaces that made people feel welcome and by designing museums that were bright and inviting, rather than a collection of small, dark rooms. Throughout his career, Mr. Pei favored simple materials and simple shapes for the basis of his elegant designs. “The simpler the solution, the more powerful it is,” he once said. He started with uncomplicated geometric forms, using stone, concrete, glass and steel to transform them into dramatic and sculptural light-filled spaces.







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