招博士生/博后:加州大学+约翰霍普金斯大学+迈阿密大学 ​





PhD  Opportunities

·      Anthropology at BrunelUniversity London

·      Location: Uxbridge, London

·      ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled

Job Description

Brunel Anthropology is home to a community ofinternationally recognised and world-leading scholars who have pioneered newresearch fields whilst making significant contributions to mainstream theory.Ranked 2nd in the UK in the Guardian League Tables, our groundbreaking researchagendas include medical anthropology, psychological and psychiatricanthropology, the anthropology of childhood, youth and education, andinternational development. A prestigious European Research Council StartingGrant on Reconfiguring conservation in/for the Anthropocene: the global livesof the orangutan~q~, recently awarded to Dr Liana Chua, has extended ourcutting-edge research agenda into the politics of global conservation. Withethnographic expertise covering south Asia, Melanesia, south-east Asia, centraland South America, and southern Africa, Brunel anthropologists have alsocarried out influential ethnographic research in Mexico, Britain and Europe.



We offer a range of PhD studentships, partialscholarships, and academic prizes, to help with your research fees. Find outmore here: View Website



Further information about the PhD and the applicationprocess can be found here:





·      The Department ofPsychology, Anglia Ruskin University

·      Location: Cambridge

·      ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled

Job Description

Negative body image and eating disorders werehistorically characterised as culture-bound experiences, primarily afflictingwomen in high-income, industrialized, and Western societies. However, reportsof high rates of negative body image and disordered eating globally havechanged this perspective. One factor that may increase the risk of negativebody image is cultural change (e.g., via transcultural migration). According tothis hypothesis, eating disorders are more likely to develop because of thehigh levels of stress associated with cultural change. However, few studieshave directly tested this hypothesis and available data tends to becross-sectional in nature.



We seek a PhD student with an interest incross-cultural psychology to advance existing research on the effects oftranscultural migration on negative body image and disordered eating. Thesuccessful candidate will conduct longitudinal research that seeks to examinethe long-term impact that migration across cultures has on symptoms ofdisordered eating and aspects of body image.



This project is self-funded. Details of studentshipsfor which funding is available are selected by a competitive process and areadvertised on our jobs website as they become available.




PhD  Project

·      theDepartmentof Psychology,Faculty of Health & SocialSciences

·      Location: Bournemouth

·      ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled

Job Description

This is a unique opportunity to be part of thedevelopment and evaluation of an exciting new approach to reducing the numberof people in nursing homes who suffer from joint contractures. Contractures area major problem for many nursing home residents, but to date there have beenvery few systematic approaches to preventing people developing them. However, amulti-agency task and finish group led by Dorset HealthCare UniversityFoundation Trust has recently developed an innovative Contracture AssessmentScreening Tool to better identify patients who are at risk of developingcontractures and prompt care staff to seek a timely review with physiotherapyor occupational therapy services.



This studentship will provide the successfulcandidate with a wide range of training opportunities. At the completion of thestudy, the student will have had training in and experience of validationtechniques, critical realist evaluation and randomised controlled trialmethods. The student will also gain transferrable skills of networking,communication, presentation, and project management.


If you have any questions or wish to discuss theproject, please do not hesitate to contact Professor Porter (porters@bournemouth.ac.uk).



Funded candidates will receive a maintenance grant of£14,777 per year to contribute towards living expenses during the course ofyour research, as well as a fee waiver for 48 months.

Funded Studentships are open to both UK/EU andInternational students unless otherwise specified.



Candidates for funded PhD studentship mustdemonstrate outstanding qualities and be motivated to complete a PhD in 4years.


The PhD Studentships are open to UK, EU andinternational students.

Additional Eligibility Criteria: Professionalregistration on the HCPC, NMC or GMC




Research Assistant

·      the Department of Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology

·      Location: Berkeley, California (US)

·      Application Deadline: Open Until Filled 

Job Description 

A post-doctoral position is available in the lab of Sona Kang at the Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology at UC Berkeley (https://nst.berkeley.edu/users/sona-kang). Our research program focuses on the transcriptional and epigenetic basis of metabolic dysregulations, in particular, obesity and type 2 diabetes. We seek to identify the core epigenetic transcriptional mechanisms underlying these disease conditions, validating physiological significance, and to develop therapeutic interventions. We apply multiple traditional wet lab techniques and global profiling approaches in vitro and in vivo.

We are looking for self-motivated, detail-oriented, and collaborative applicant who can efficiently work in a fast-paced environment. High level of independence and the ability to think critically are expected. PhD candidates with soon expected graduation are highly encouraged to apply.

Applicants should have an expertise in one of the following areas: molecular and cell biology, metabolic phenotyping of mouse models, and global profiling studies. The successful candidate will lead project(s) requiring technical expertise such as metabolic characterization of mouse models, cell culture studies, and/or biochemical studies.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience and based on UC Berkeley Postdoc salary scale. The annual salary range for this position is $43,692 to $51,120. Generous benefits are included (http://vspa.berkeley.edu/postdocs).

Application Information 

Interested applicants should directly e-mail Dr. Sona Kang at sonakanglab@gmail.com a single PDF file that includes cover letter and CV and names/contact information of at least three individuals for references.

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