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Can Iran nuclear deal avoid collapse?

One year after the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, Iran made an announcement on May 8 that it would withdraw from some of the provisions of the deal. Iran gave the deal~q~s remaining signatories a 60-day grace. This was a response to the US sanctions, as well as a signal to international society: Act or lose the deal.


Most people are pessimistic. They think the nuclear deal, as a milestone, is almost collapsing, and the region is entering a more dangerous stage. We have to say that Washington leads this trend.


The Iran nuclear deal is the most important achievement of non-proliferation negotiation in recent years. It is also regarded as the Obama administration~q~s most important diplomatic legacy. Five UN Security Council permanent members -- the US, China, Russia, the UK and France -- and Germany joined in the 18-month negotiations and signed the deal. The deal was approved by the UN Security Council. 


But the Trump administration tore up the deal, ignoring international society~q~s unanimous opposition. Credit, morality and justice can be trodden underfoot in Washington~q~s partisan politics.


Washington~q~s actions have created more problems. The US labeled Iran~q~s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist group, enforced a complete ban on Iran~q~s oil exports and is deploying aircraft carrier strike group to the Middle East. This triggered Iran~q~s tough reaction, escalated the situation and left no space for talks.


The US kept pushing Iran as it is much more powerful than Iran. Some believe the US government is using a maximum pressure policy to maximize its own interests. Some say Israel was behind the issue. Others point out that Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates increased arms purchases from the US and the tense situation in the Middle East helps US arms sales.


These motivations are either selfish or shortsighted. We do not know Washington~q~s true intentions, but confrontation is dangerous in the tense Middle East and may accidentally trigger serious consequences. Washington may not want to see the situation get out of control, but its brinkmanship leads to such risks.


The US blockade and pressure will also hurt Iranians~q~ self-esteem and leave a humiliating collective memory. This is also bad for the US.


A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Wednesday that China appreciates Iran~q~s strict fulfillment of its obligations under the deal so far, firmly opposes unilateral sanctions and the so-called "long-arm jurisdiction imposed by the US on Iran." China~q~s attitude supports justice on the Iran nuclear deal. China, Russia, the UK, France and Germany all have a basic consensus on this deal.


The UK, France and Germany put great efforts into the nuclear deal. The deal~q~s collapse is not in line with their will and interests. But under US pressure, they worry and hesitate, and their policies swing. We hope the three countries can be independent on the Iran nuclear deal.


The undisguised overbearing and capricious manner of the US has affected the world. Such behavior is targeted at Iran today, and it may be another country tomorrow.




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