

China (Guangdong)-U.S. Investment Cooperation Conference was held successfully at San Francisco in June 7th, 2019. The conference focuses on the theme of investment cooperation between Guangdong and the United States by setting up a multi-level dialogue and matchmaking platform for enterprises and government officials.


Vice Governer of People~q~s Government of Guangdong Province Mr. Ouyang Weimin said that the profound friendship and friendship between China and the United States deserves to be cherished. The basic laws and historical experience of world economic development show that openning up to and cooperation is the only correct direction. Guangdong is willing to promote the cooperation between Guangdong, the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and the Bay Area in various aspects. The delegation of the Guangdong Provincial Government visited the United States to promote a series of economic and trade business so as to strengthen cooperation with the State of California. He hoped to work together with the US parties to contribute to the development of bilateral economic and trade relations between China and the United States.


Executive Vice President of the US Chamber of Commerce Myron Brillian said that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. In the past few decades, he has witnessed the development and prosperity brought about by the Sino-US cooperation. The relationship between China and the United States is fairly important and needs to be continuously built, we need to maintenance and strengthen the cooperation in the future.


Preisdent and CEO of Bay Area Council Jim Wunderman said that the  enterprises from Bay Area and Silicon Valley have close economic and trade cooperation with Guangdong Province. The in-depth discussion on the issues of Guangdong and the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao will strengthen the cooperation and bring new opportunities.


Chinese Deputy Consul-General in San Frncisco Mr. Zhang Jianxin said that with the development of free trade, globalization and technological innovation, and relying on natural harbors, trade and investment facilitation policies, profound educational resources and talent advantages. Guangdong Province and the  Bay Area  becoming vital financial and scientific innovation centers in China and the United States respectively. It has created new and greater opportunities for cooperation between the two sides. It is timely to promote deep cooperation and coordinated development in the the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and San Francisco Bay Area.


There are more than 400 leaders of government, enterprises and business organizations from China and the United States attended the conferencce. The participants have fully connected and negotiated on cooperation in the fields of scientific and technological innovation, intelligent manufacturing, health care, culture and entertainment with strong willingness to cooperate. Some enterprises reached cooperation intentions and agreements.

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