音乐律动的操纵者 唱片骑士的荣耀者 国际顶级百大DJ组合 2019年6月5日 与你相约 迈阿密派对酒吧 世界顶尖品质音乐 舞池躁动血液的狂欢者 Arising to shine and light the world! Ready to surprise everyone Only the quality Only the best Only the top ONLY THE MOST WANTED! 耀眼之星| 闪亮登场 世界顶尖|品质音乐 极致体验 尽在 THE MOST WANTED! Ready to give you unforgettable moments Idealest for creating bright and colorful party for your event Once they hit the party floor all the party will always want them to be back on the stage "Entertaining is our Greatest Achievement Customers~q~ Satisfaction is our Desire." MC Lord Fire x DJ Toby 最难忘的音乐派对!最理想的音乐氛围 当他们踏上舞台观众的舞步!尖叫!停不下来! “观众的享受是我们最大的成就。” MC Lord Fire x DJ Toby 享受电流的速度 风驰电掣的激情快感 超凡的电音DJ组合 给你带来前所未有的视听震撼享受 无与伦比的爆裂音乐嗨趴! THE MOST WANTED 指尖在碟上自由舞蹈 旋转 跳跃 身体在节奏的冲击下追随 摇摆 战栗 舞池躁动血液的狂欢者 解放深夜蠢蠢欲动的灵魂 DJ Toby 来自喀麦隆的DJ Toby,以其独特的音乐天赋,对音乐的理解力和表现力极强。多年担当各种大型活动及高端派对首席DJ 经验丰富,风格多变,带动气氛,嗨翻全场! 其音乐风格多元,擅长MASHUP, EDM, BIG ROOM, HIP HOP, RNB, DEEP HOUSE, TECHNO, BASS HOUSE... Mc Lord Fire 来自多哥的Freestyle天王MC Lord Fire 天赋异禀,风格百变 各种说唱,气氛引领,信手拈来 在中国的五年职业生涯中,与各大知名夜店合作, 他时而低沉时而激情的嗓音令全场为之疯狂! Talented and ambitious MC with extensive knowledge and experience in the field of entertainment. A few years living and working in China. Energetic, successful and focused. For work he has the best music of various themes and styles, and can easily cooperate with the DJ. He has been worked with the best clubs for more than 5 years. Being a freestyle rapper he sings and raps perfectly during most of his shows. He always and will always keep the floor active. .
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