Australia~q~s sex predator molestes 47 children in Southeast Asia

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An Australian man has admitted in court that he is a sexual predator and abused 47 young boys in southeast Asia and Australia in the span of over 16 years.

Boris Kunsevitsky, a 52-year-old man from Melbourne, abused children mostly from the Philippines, a few in Singapore, Australia, and one in Indonesia. 

Employed by Singapore beauty supplement company Esthemedica as its international business and clinical development director since November 2014, Kunsevitsky was sent overseas for road shows and had “traveled quite a bit” within regions of Asia during this time, Channel News Asia reports.

While living in Singapore, Kunsevitsky had reportedly been under investigation by Australian authorities since 2016. When he came home to visit his family in 2017, they were already waiting for him.

Police found child exploitation material in his phone and had his possessions shipped over from Singapore to Australia to investigate him further. The shipping container with Kunsevitsky’s belongings arrived weeks later, yielding a laptop and two hard drives that contained shocking footage dating back to 2001.

Investigators found over 3,300 images and videos that showed him abusing or sexually exploiting his victims as young as 12 years old. In the clips, which were also distributed online, Kunsevitsky is seen either engaging in sex with boys or instructing them to perform demeaning sex acts. He also downloaded another 37,000 images and videos showing other children being abused.

On Tuesday, he pleaded guilty to sexually abusing dozens of children, filming the acts and distributing the pictures and videos in the Supreme Court of Victoria. Court documents revealed that Kunsevitsky had traveled through Southeast Asia for “sex tourism” under the guise of “work trips.”

One of his victims told the court he was groomed to believe that Kunsevitsky was the only person who cared for him until he was discarded at age 15. The victim, now in his 20s, said the abuse left him traumatized and isolated from his loved ones during his teens. He reportedly turned to drugs and tried to take his own life.

Kunsevitsky, who was diagnosed with a paedophiliac disorder following his arrest, has been called “one of the most serious child exploitation offenders in Australia” by the local press. He was remanded in custody and will be given a sentence at a later date.


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