『BA』非常英国航空(BBC纪录片 part 1)


The first episode in the series looks at British Airways~q~ efforts to escape the financial crisis it has been suffering in recent years, featuring the introduction of the Airbus A380 into its fleet, and cameras go behind ~q~millionaires door~q~ at Heathrow~q~s Terminal 5 to see what is experienced by the airline~q~s first class passengers. The episode follows the preparation of the first A380 to join the fleet, and then its first flight to Los Angeles. The episode also follows the airline~q~s new cabin crew recruits as they begin their training, and the staff at the British Airways HQ at Waterside with the task of juggling around aircraft when maintenance overruns or when unexpected problems occur.

The cabin crew training aspect of this episode resulted in bad reviews and opinions of British Airways~q~ disciplining methods, due to the basis on which trainees were issued with warnings, and ultimately removed from the course, and the attitude of the trainers. One trainee, Patrick, had his contract terminated due to receiving a fourth and final written warning for arriving two minutes late to a session. He said had had to pay ~q~thousands of pounds~q~ to join the course, had relocated and left a previous job to attend in the training. A fellow trainee described him as ~q~reliable & hard working~q~ and that it was ~q~gutting~q~ for him to have put in so much hard work. He described the intensity of the training as ~q~almost like being in the military~q~.




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