

The policy of the recruitment program of thousand young talents plan in School of Stomatology Wuhan University

1. 学院介绍 Introduction of school


Wuhan University School of Stomatology was founded in 1960 and is the first oral department established by New China on its own strength. After several decades of hard work and development, it has now developed into a higher oral medicine college that integrates teaching, scientific research, and medical care. It is one of the most important research bases for oral medicine and talents training in China. The College of Oral Medicine has a key laboratory of the Ministry of Oral Biomedicine Education and a national key laboratory cultivation base established by the Ministry of Oral Basic Medicine. In the 2016 QS World University Rankings, it ranked 38th in the world of dentistry and 2nd in the Mainland. In 2017, the Department of stomatology was selected as the National "double first-class" construction list. In the 2018 QS World University Rankings, it ranked 36th in the world of dentistry .The staff of the entire hospital will continue to work hard towards the goal of making it the "Chinese characteristics and world-class" school.

2. 招聘领域 Fields of Recruitment


Basic science of stomatology, Clinical medicine of Stomatology, Oncology research, Stem cell research, regenerative medicine, bone and mineralized tissue, microbiology, immunology.

3. 招聘条件 Basic Qualifications

(1) 申报时年龄不超过40周岁,具有博士学位。

Applicants should be under the age of 40, possessed a PhD degree.

(2) 在海外知名高校、科研机构或者知名企业研发机构有正式教学或科研职位,取得博士学位后在海外连续工作36个月以上;在海外取得博士学位、业绩特别突出者,可适当放宽工作年限要求。

Applicants should have engaged in full time teaching or research positions over 36 months after PhD graduation in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises. The requirements of 36-month working experience can be relaxed for outstanding applicants who have overseas PhD degree.

(3) 取得同行专家认可的科研成果,且具有成为该领域学术或技术带头人的发展潜力。

Applicants should have peer-reviewed research achievement, and should have the potential of becoming leading figures in that research field.

(4) 申报时未全职在国内工作,或者在国内工作不超过1年,引进后全职来校工作。

Applicants should not have full time contract or have full time contract less than 1-year in China when the application lodged, and will be able to work full time in China.

4. 待遇政策 Preferential Policy (点击放大 )

5、联系方式 Contacts


Program director: Zhi Chen, Associate dean of School of Stomatology, Wuhan University

Phone: +86-27-87686198

E-mail:[email protected]

联系人:王 婷

Contact person: Ting Wang

Phone: +86-27-87686106

E-mail:[email protected]


From the World to China -- It’s time for you to return home


From good to excellent - It’s time for you to follow your dreams


From a scholar to a leader- It’s time for you to build your research realm


We sincerely invite you to join us——School and hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University!

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