



无法正确找到定位词一直是各位烤鸭们最头痛的问题 ,在考试时间压力的情况下,常常会因为定位不到关键词影响做题的正确率。




剑桥14:Test 01 Passage 02 Motivational factors and the hospitality industry

Ng and Sorensen  (2008) demonstrated that when managers provide recognition to employees, motivate employees to work together, and remove obstacles preventing effective performance employees feel more obligated to stay with the company. This was succinctly summarized by Michel et al.  (2013): Providing support to employees gives them the confidence to perform their jobs better and the motivation to stay with the organization. Hospitality organizations can therefore enhance employee motivation and retention through the development and improvement of their working conditions. These conditions are inherently linked to the working environment

译文:Ng与 Sorensen (2008) 的研究证明:当管理者为雇员提供了认可、激励员工团结合作并移除那些影响了高效工作的障碍时,员工们就会感到更有义务留在这家公司。这一点由 Michel et al.2013) 言简意赅地总结了出来:“为员工提供支持给了他们更好地完成自己工作的信心,以及留在这家企业的动力。”因此,酒店业公司可以通过改善和提升其工作条件来加强其员工的工作动力和稳定性。这些条件都必然与工作环境有所关联。


A. Pfeffer 

B. Lucas 

C. Maroudas et al 

D. Ng and Sorensen 

E. Enz and Siguaw

F. Deery



剑桥14:Test 01 Passage 03 Alexander Henderson  (1831-1913)

Structures along the almost-completed line connecting Montreal to Halifax. Commissions from other railways followed. In 1876 he photographed bridges on the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental Railway between Montreal and Ottawa. In 1885 he went west along the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) as far as Rogers Pass in British Columbia, where he took photographs of the mountains and the progress of construction.

在 1876 年,他拍下了魁北克线、蒙特利尔线、渥太华线以及蒙特利尔到渥太华之间的西洋铁路沿线上的各架桥梁。在 1885 年,他沿加拿大太平洋铁路(简称 CPR)一路向西,最远来到了不列颠哥伦比亚的 Rogers Pass,在那里拍摄了群山风景和正在进行中的建筑工程。

原题:Worked for CPR in 1885 and photographed the _______ and the railway at Rogers Pass. 这里需要对CPR1885以及Rogers Pass这三个定位词都有精准把握。



剑桥14 Test 02 Passage 01: The concept of intelligence

True, False, Not Given的第3题:Scholars may discuss theories without fully understanding each other.

I have suggested that there are three major implicit theories of how intelligence relates to society as a whole  (Sternberg, 1997). These might be called Hamiltonian, Jeffersonian, and Jacksonian. These views are not based strictly, but rather, loosely, on the philosophies of Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jfferson, and Andrew Jackson, three great statesmen in the history of the United States.

我曾指出有三种主要的内隐理论,它们主要探讨智力与作为一个整体的社会之间的关系(Sternberg,1997)。这些理论或许可以被称为 Hamiltonian、Jeffersonian 和 Jacksonian。这些观点并非完全基于 Alexander Hamilton、Thomas Jefferson 和 Andrew Jackson 这三位美国历史上伟大政治家的思想,但是在一定程度上与之相关。


Implicit theories of intelligence and of the relationship of intelligence to society perhaps need to be considered more carefully than they have been because they often serve as underlying presuppositions for explicit theories and even experimental designs that are then taken as scientific contributions. Until scholars are able to discuss their implicit theories and thus their assumptions, they are likely to miss the point of what others are saying when discussing their explicit theories and their data.


J 段第二句提到 they are like to miss the point of what others are saying when discussing their explicit theories and their data,说明在没有充分理解彼此的情况下,学者们依然会 discuss theories。

作者在原文提到了三位学者Hamiltonian, Jeffersonian, and Jacksonian

但是为提及他们是否fully understanding of each other. 所以该选项需要考生们进行跨段分析,掌握实际句意,再做出判断。


剑桥14 Test 03 Passage 03 The Power of Play

Guided play

In the simplest form of guided play, an adult contributes to the environment in which the child is playing. Alternatively, an adult can play with a child and develop the play, for instance by 37. ___________ The child to investigate different aspects of their game. Adults can help children to learn through play, and may make the activity rather structured. But it should still be based on the child~q~s 38. ___________ to play without the intervention of adults gives children real 39 with adults, play can be 40. ___________ at particular goals. However, all forms of play should be an opportunity for children to have fun.


Both free and guided play are essential elements in a child-centered approach to playful learning Intrinsically motivated free play provides the child with true autonomy, while guided play is an avenue through which parents and educators can provide more targeted learning experiences. In either case, play should be actively engaged, it should be predominantly child-directed, and it must be fun.

文章最后一段第二句说到,内在动机驱使的自由游戏为儿童提供了真正的自主性,而引导式游戏则是一种途径,通过引导式游戏家长和教育者们可以提供更有目的性的学习体验。其中与自由游戏相关的内容在本句前半部分,也就是 provide the child with true autonomy 因此本题答案为 autonomy。显然这道题题干与原文的位置有所调整。


剑桥14 Test 03 Passage 03 The Power of Play

Q 34. Play helps children to develop their artistic talents.


第三段:Through play, children learn to regulate their behavior, lay the foundations for later learning in science and mathematics, figure out the complex negotiations of social relationships, build a repertoire of creative problem-solving skills, and so much more. There is also an important role for adults in guiding children through playful learning opportunities.

文章第三段重点分析了通过游戏儿童可以获得哪方面的提高。 在本段中,中心思想是通过游戏,儿童可以学习如何管理自己的行为,为之后学习科学和数学打下了基础,学会处理复杂的社交关系,培养创造性解决问题的能力以及更多其他能力。通过游戏化的学习机会,成年人同样在引导自己的孩子方面扮演着重要角色。

而在原文中,关键词develop their artistic talents这一部分并没有提及。

因此本题答案为 NOT GIVEN。


剑桥14 Test 04 Reading Passage 03:

27. Rochman and her colleagues were the first people to research the problem of marine debris.


Rochman is a member of the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis~q~s marine-debris working group, a collection of scientists who study, among other things, the growing problem of marine debris, also known as ocean trash. Plenty of studies have sounded alarm bells about the state of marine debris; in a recent paper published in the journal Ecology, Rochman and her colleagues set out to determine how many of those perceived risks are real.


文中第二段第二句说到 Plenty of studies have sounded alarm bells about the state of marine debris,而后全文都涉及了之前的研究者对这一课题的研究,因此 Rochman 和她的同事们不是最先研究这一课题的人。

由于题干中的关键信息强调的是first people to research,许多考生会在做题过程中进行first people或者第一的搜索。然而这道考题的难点在于原文出现的是与first并不同意替换的 Plenty of studies have sounded alarm bells, 所以此处需要注意的是如果在原句中没有题干关键词的话,考生要加大对句子的判断。


剑桥14 Test 04 Reading Passage 02: Why zoos are good?

原文C段:Zoos also provide education. Many children and adults, especially those in cities, will never see a wild animal beyond a fox or pigeon. While it is true that television documentaries are becoming ever more detailed and impressive, and many natural history specimens are on display in museums, there really is nothing to compare with seeing a living creature in the flesh, hearing it, smelling it, watching what it does and having the time to absorb details. That alone will bring a greater understanding and perspective to many, and hopefully give them a greater appreciation for wildlife, conservation efforts and how they can contribute.

第20题,T/F/NG: Improvements in the quality of TV wildlife documentaries have resulted in increased numbers of zoo visitors.


原文提及的是电视记录片的质量在不断提升,但这种提升与题干中的increased numbers of zoo visitors,即动物园的游客量的提升是两个不同的概念。因此,需要在阅读中判断是否存在偷换概念的情况

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