国际热点 | 一个杂货连锁店颠覆美国城市

整合 | 马梦婕 王琦欣 余昉













/ 经济 /

Our family business like others, like others, pays Trump’s tariffs - not China


@CNBC  Since the Trump administration provoked trade frictions with China, life for some Americans has become very difficult.The co-president of KURT S. ADLER, a well-known importer and wholesaler of Christmas decorations in the United States, told CNBC about his bitter experience.

In the escalating trade war between the U.S. and China, who pays? In a word, my family does.The vast majority of the items we import are made in China, which is the only country that can produce many of the items we buy.  That increase and now the boost to 25% on a wide array of goods will have a much greater impact on businesses than the president may realize. We set our prices in December for the following year, as we sell our products to customers starting in January, with delivery to them from May through October.Eighty-five percent of our clients have already placed their orders. We, in turn, place orders with our suppliers from December through May. Shipments from overseas start in May.  But importers cannot change prices on what already has been sold. Our customers ordered the product based on the prices we originally offered.

Finally I am sure thousands of others like mine, that have to paying the extra tariff because it is too late to pass it on.Impulsively adding a tariff without thinking about the ramifications shows a lack of understanding of the far-reaching and perhaps unintended consequences it can have. Going forward, we can raise our prices, but that will be for next year. But our clients may also reduce their orders.


自从特朗普政府挑起跟中国的贸易摩擦以来,一些美国人生活变得很艰难。美国知名圣诞装饰品进口批发商KURT S. ADLER的联席总裁,在美国财经类媒体CNBC上说出了自己的辛酸经历。



This startup is planning a flying taxi service that costs about the same as normal taxis


@CNN Business  A flying taxi that you can order through an app? This German company plans to make that a reality in the next six years.

Munich-based startup Lilium unveiled its five-seater electric air taxi prototype on Thursday. The battery-powered jet is capable of traveling 300 kilometers (186 miles) in 60 minutes on a single charge, and will connect cities through a network of landing pads.

Commuters will be able to book rides from their nearest landing pad through a smartphone app.




The costliest drug on the planet will treat infants with rare disease. The market fight focused on cost and safety is just getting started.


@The Washington Post  Until three years ago, infants diagnosed with a rare disease known as spinal muscular atrophy were doomed to death or heartbreaking disability. Then gene science brought a drug to market in 2016 that gave afflicted children a strong chance at life, maybe even freedom from a wheelchair.

Now, the Food and Drug Administration is poised to approve a second gene treatment for infants with SMA, and with a price tag of $1.5 million to $5 million, it will be the most expensive drug on the planet. Even aside from its cost, the expected approval of the drug has triggered a bare-knuckle fight over market share between its manufacturer, Novartis, and the maker of the first drug, Biogen.

Therefore, the intense competition foreshadows a new era of debates over cost and value as gene therapies are developed for growing numbers of rare diseases.




How a cheap, brutally efficient grocery chain is upending America~q~s supermarkets


@CNN  Aldi is the no-frills German discount grocery chain that’s growing aggressively in the United States and reshaping the industry along the way. Aldi has built a cult-like following. When it enters a new town, it’s not uncommon for hundreds of people to turn out for the grand opening. The allure is all in the rock-bottom prices, which are so cheap that Aldi often beats Walmart at its own low-price game.


Amazon is the third superpower heightening the drama of the U.S.-China trade war


@The Washington Post  As President Trump ramps up his trade war with China, some consumer-product companies report similar struggles getting big retailers to budge.

With the Internet driving ruthless price competition among Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot and others, large retailers are loath to pay more or to raise their own prices. That leaves importers of Chinese goods caught between the trade war and Americans’ quest for the best possible deal.

“Retailers are all about everyday low prices. They want to protect consumers, but they also want to protect their sales,” said Jason Trice, president of Jasco Products, a lighting and electronics seller in Oklahoma City. “The Walmarts of the world don’t just roll over.”



“零售商都是关于日常低价的。他们希望保护消费者,但他们也希望保护他们的销售,“俄克拉荷马市照明和电子产品销售商Jasco Products总裁Jason Trice说。“各国的沃尔玛不只是延缓付款。”


/ 文化 /

Israel Folau sacked following anti-gay social media post


@The Washington Post  Australian rugby union star Israel Folau has been sacked after he posted an anti-gay statement on social media.

A devout Christian who has made 73 international appearances for the Wallabies, Folau was found guilty of a code of conduct breach last week, following a homophobic social media post, which listed "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists and idolaters," reading underneath, "Hell awaits you."

The controversial Instagram post in April has not been deleted.A three-person tribunal decided on Friday that Folau~q~s contract with Rugby Australia should be terminated.


Folau是一位曾经为了Wallabies 73次在国际上出面的虔诚的基督徒,上周他因为行为违反守则而被判有罪,他发布了一条厌恶同性恋的社交媒体帖子,其中列出的“醉鬼,同性恋,奸淫,说谎话的,淫乱的,盗贼,无神论者和偶像崇拜者,”后文还有,“地狱等着你。”



/ 社会 /

414 million pieces of plastic found on remote Australian islands: Study


@The Washington Post  Almost one million shoes and over 370,000 toothbrushes -- they~q~re among the 414 million pieces of plastic found washed ashore on the remote Cocos (Keeling) Islands in the Indian Ocean, according to new research.

The study, which was published in the journal Scientific Reports Thursday, found that the Australian territory was littered with 238 tonnes of plastic, despite being home to around 500 people.

Much of the rubbish was single-use consumer items such as bottle caps, straws, shoes and sandals, University of Tasmania marine eco-toxicologist Jennifer Lavers, who led the study, said.





/ 政治 /

Heartbreaking photos show Trump~q~s failures on immigration


@CNN  In the United States, at the Border Patrol station in McAllen, Texas, officials have strained to process the increasing numbers of migrants -- most arriving from Central America. The photos, obtained by CNN show that children sleep in the dirt, some covered only by Mylar blankets. The conditions look miserable.

The images, taken last weekend, lay bare the failure of the Trump administration to provide for the people arriving at our border. Equally troubling is the fact that administration officials still have no sound plan to deal with this growing humanitarian crisis.



With a stroke of his pen, Trump worsens Europe~q~s Huawei dilemma


@CNN  On Wednesday, United States President Donald Trump signed an executive order escalating his administration~q~s campaign against Chinese telecoms giant Huawei, raising pressure on allies to follow suit in banning the company from their 5G and other networks.

While some US allies -- notably Australia and New Zealand -- have followed Trump~q~s lead on Huawei, others have been more reticent. Europe in particular is split over whether to ban the company.



Alabama governor signs nation~q~s most restrictive anti-abortion bill into law


@CNN  Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey on Wednesday signed into law a controversial abortion bill that could punish doctors who perform abortions with life in prison. The Alabama Senate passed the bill 25-6 late Tuesday night. The law only allows exceptions "to avoid a serious health risk to the unborn child~q~s mother," for ectopic pregnancy and if the "unborn child has a lethal anomaly." Democrats re-introduced an amendment to exempt rape and incest victims, but the motion failed on an 11-21 vote.

The bill~q~s passage Tuesday night elicited a wave of protest from a slew of Democrats. Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton called the bill an example of "appalling attacks on women~q~s lives and fundamental freedoms." American Civil Liberties Union of Alabama Executive Director Randall Marshall promised Ivey a lawsuit, slamming the governor for the anticipated legal costs that the legislation would mean for the state from court challenges.



责任编辑 | 郭钰麒

版面编辑 | 王琦欣

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