芝加哥大学博后招聘Genomics and Neurogenetics

Postdoctoral Position Available in Genomics and Neurogenetics

The Zhang Lab 

(https://zhanglaboratory.org/) and Li Lab (http://lilab.bsd.uchicago.edu/ ) at the University of Chicago are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow who is interested in genomics and high throughput assay development. The newly established Zhang lab focuses on fundamental mechanisms of brain development with the ultimate goal of diagnosing and treating neurological diseases. Recent works from the Zhang lab uncovered crucial functions of alternative RNA splicing in mouse and human brains, and identified novel coding and non-coding mutations that cause neurological disorders. Research in the Li Lab aims to dissect the roles of genetic variation in gene regulation and disease at multiple levels. In particular, the Li lab develops computational approaches to study genetic effects on co-transcriptional dynamics and post-transcriptional processes in the context of complex diseases. A second focus of the Li lab is the use of state-of-the-art genomics tools such as single-cell RNA-sequencing to understand cellular composition and function in disease progression.

The successful applicant will be co-mentored by Drs. Yang Li and Xiaochang Zhang, and lead the development of genomics assays involving single cell analyses and high throughput sequencing, aiming to develop new strategies for disease treatment. The successful applicant will also be directly involved in data analyses, receive further training in computational biology, and interact with exceptional UChicago faculty in human genetics, neuroscience, RNA biology, and statistics. Our laboratories are located in the Cummings Life Science Center, with easy access to outstanding genomics, imaging, and stem cell core facilities. Thus, this position offers an exceptional career development opportunity in genomics and neurogenetics.

Job Requirements:

• Recent PhD or MD/PhD with established track record in biomedical research such as genetics and genomics, molecular and cell biology, neuroscience, developmental biology, or stem cell biology.

• Expertise in viral library design and production, molecular cloning, cell culture, next-gen sequencing data analysis and programming (Python, R) is preferred.

• Able to work independently and as part of a team.

Interested candidates please send a pdf file including the following to Dr. Xiaochang Zhang (xczhang@uchicago.edu) and Dr. Yang Li (yangili1@uchicago.edu):

• A short summary of present and future research interests.

• CV with a list of publications.

• Contact information for three references.

Salary/stipend follows the current NIH scale. Reviews of candidates will start immediately and continue until the position is filled.




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