

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Info



Can hydrogen fuel the future of energy, trucking in Washington?


Chad Magendanz might know a thing or two about lawmaking and policy — he’s a former state representative from Washington’s 5th District covering parts of King County. But his specialties don’t end there.

Chad Magendanz可能知道那么一些个跟立法和政策相关的事情-他是华盛顿第五选区的前州代表,该选区覆盖了金县的部分地区。但他专长可不止与此。

Magendanz earned a degree in electrical engineering, was a nuclear submarine officer, and then went to work in software. Which gives him a unique perspective on energy in Washington state, including clean alternatives that are being looked to as Washington looks to cut down on carbon.


One such alternative that is creating buzz around the nation, and in the state, is the potential for hydrogen-fueled trucks.


“There were some really big breakthroughs just in the last few weeks … they learned how to make hydrogen from seawater and they learned how to make hydrogen from cobalt,” Magendanz told KTTH’s Saul Spady. “So there’s creative new ways of looking at making hydrogen so that you don’t have to store it on the vehicle anymore — you can actually make it on demand.”

Magendanz说:“仅在过去的几周里,就有了一些真正重大的突破……他们学会了如何从海水中制氢,也学会了用钴制氢。” “所以,当有了这些创新性的技术来制氢时,你不必再把氢装进储氢罐中再放在车上了,可以根据自己的实际需求制氢“。

Motor company Nikola is one company aiming to build the hydrogen fuel market. It plans to dot the Washington map with six of its hydrogen fueling facilities for semi-trucks.


The technology is simple — trucks use electric motors akin to what is found on the market today. They are fueled by hydrogen. Hydrogen can be made at the station, unlike gasoline which has to be trucked to gas stations.


“Part of the challenge with these gases, too, is that the energy density is nowhere near gasoline,” Magendanz said. “And so if you’ve got a truck like a semi, like Nikola here, you’ve already got to have larger tanks in order to store the same amount. You have to have more fuel in order to go the same distance, and then you have to look at how to pressurize it so that fits in that space. And those are some pretty significant challenges especially when you don’t have the infrastructure around so that you got regular places to refill. So you may need to go to three or four times four times as long between filling stations that you’re getting to the point where you’ve got a lot of space dedicated on the truck just to store fuel.”

Magendanz说:“氢气的利用,挑战就在于,其能量密度不如石油。” “所以,如果你有辆半挂卡车,就像Nikola半挂一样,你要用更大储氢罐,才能达到同样的能量。要在车上存储更多的氢,才能跑一样的距离,还要考虑如何压缩氢气来适应这个空间。这些都是重大的挑战。特别在是加氢站基础设施缺乏的时候。所以你可能要多去加氢站几次,要在车上存储更多的氢气。”

Another consideration: Time. Saul notes that it takes about 25 minutes to refuel a diesel truck, and about 42 minutes to refuel a truck that runs on hydrogen. An all-electric truck takes about two and a half hours to fully charge.


It was something that Magendanz was aware of when he was a lawmaker a couple years ago. One of his bills, which passed, was dedicated to creating electric-vehicle infrastructure in Washington.


“And it’s still nowhere near what it needs to be,” he said. “Can you imagine doing that same investment for hydrogen and then potentially even natural gas? It’s not going to happen overnight, for sure.”

“但那还远远不够。” “你能想象如今的投资会发生在氢气,或是天然气上吗?当然了,这不可能在一夜之间发生“。

He relates that hydro energy — produced on rivers around Washington — was an investment the state made in the early 1900s.


“And we’re just reaping the benefits now,” he said. “We’re typically getting between 70 and 80 percent of our energy from hydro in the state and we’re really the perfect storm when it comes to rolling out electric vehicles because we’ve got the cheapest, greenest energy in the nation.”


Technically, he admits, Washington has the second cheapest, greenest energy. Louisiana is a little cheaper. New Hampshire is a little greener.


“But nobody has that particular combination like we do,” he said. “So if there was ever a place where rolling out alternative vehicles, like electric vehicles, makes sense it’s right here in the State of Washington.”

“但没有其它州能像华盛顿州一样把这些特殊的因素利用起来”。“ 所以,如果有一个地方推出可再生能源汽车,比如说电动汽车,是比较有意义的,那就是在华盛顿州”。

 以下所有图片均来自Nikola Motor Company/YouTube

发布于Nikola World。



杨安平:+86 13651156785           yanganping@vip.163.com

陈   伟:+86 15910580218           chenwei@chfce.com

李英甲:+86 13611265277           liyingjia@chfce.com


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