招博后:巴塞罗那大学+柏林理工大学+洛克菲勒大学 ​





·      PROBIST Programme

·      Location: the BarcelonaInstitute of Science and Technology

·      Application Deadline: Open UntilFilled


PROBIST is apost-doctoral fellowship Programme led by the Barcelona Institute of Scienceand Technology. Altogether, 61 fellowships will be awarded and implemented intop research in the Barcelona and Tarragona area (Spain).


BIST bringscloser together seven independent Catalan internationally recognized researchcentres. The centres participating in the PROBIST programme are:

• The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)

• Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ)

• Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2)

• Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE)

• Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)


PROBISTapplicants will have complete research freedom. Applicants may subscribe to oneor several generic research topics published with the calls. Once pre-selectedthey may design their research project proposal with a research group of theirchoice in the participating BIST centres. Successful candidates will be hostedby the selected research group. They will have full access to facilities,seminars and training programmes of the BIST centres. Networking activitiesshall facilitate inter-centre and inter-disciplinary exchange and collaborations.PROBIST will offer fellows the opportunity to opt for secondments from a poolof international institutions with which BIST centres have institutionalagreements or collaborations.


Thefellowships are granted for 3 years including:

• An annual gross salary of 36.252,82€ plus a single payment of1504,89€ relocation support (Spanish tax and social security deductions apply),

• Close mentoring and supervision through prestigious seniorresearchers,

• A personalized career development plan,

• A training programme for scientific and transferable skills.


Full detailsfound on our website: http://bist.eu/probist/ 




·      The International PostdocInitiative (IPODI)

·      Location: Universität Berlin

·      Application Deadline: Open UntilFilled


TheInternational Postdoc Initiative (IPODI) is part of the gender equalitystrategy of the Technische Universität Berlin and aims to increase the numberof female researchers in leadership positions. The IPODI fellowship program isopen to outstanding female researchers of all nationalities and from all fieldsof research represented at TU Berlin. IPODI fellows will find excellentresearch conditions in one of the seven faculties of TU Berlin.


Conditionsfor application:

Applicantsmust have not more than ten years of research experience after obtaining theirdoctoral degree, in exceptional cases an extension of up to three years ispossible.

Applicantsmust not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies etc.)in Germany for more than 12 months in the three years prior to the applicationdeadline.

The researchproposal has to be supported by a cooperating professor of TU Berlin.


Requireddocuments include:

an innovativeand independent research proposal and a time plan demonstrating how theproposed objectives are to be achieved,

a letter ofmotivation detailing career perspectives and motivation to apply for IPODI,

a completedethical issues table,

a letter of supportof a cooperating professor of TU Berlin, and

two externalletters of reference.

Researchersreturning from periods of international mobility (research outside Germany),mobility between sectors (working in the private sector) or non-academic mobility(e.g. after parental leave) are especially encouraged to apply.


Applicationshave to be submitted in English via the IPODI application portal. For furtherinformation see www.ipodi.tu-berlin.de or contact the IPODI office (Dr.Stefanie Schäfer, info@ipodi.tu-berlin.de).



Postdoctoral Fellowships

·      The Center for Studies inPhysics and Biology

·      Location: The RockefellerUniversity

·      Application Deadline: Open UntilFilled


The Centerfor Studies in Physics and Biology expects to have a small number ofpostdoctoral fellowships available for appointments in September 2019. We areseeking theoretical physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists with ademonstrable interest in the interface between their discipline and biology.The Fellows are to be at that stage of career as to function as independentmembers of the Center, free to work alone or in collaboration with any membersof The Rockefeller University faculty. The appointment is nominally for twoyears, with a third year implicit, but based on mutual satisfaction.


The contents of allletters should be addressed to: Director, Center for Studies in Physics andBiology, The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, Box 75, New York,NY  10065-6399. Applications should bee-mailed in PDF format to: leem@rockefeller.edu.









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