

New York is one of a host of US cities and states that have vowed to drive down their carbon emissions despite a retreat at the federal level under Donald Trump, who withdrew from the landmark Paris climate change agreement.

尽管在Donald Trump的领导下,美国联邦政府对碳排放做出了让步,并退出了具有里程碑意义的《巴黎气候变化协定》(Paris climate change agreement),但纽约和其他许多城市和州仍誓言降低碳排放。

The legislation passed on Thursday by the city council puts caps on carbon emissions for buildings over 25,000 sq ft – requiring a 40% overall cut in their emissions by 2030. By 2050, the aim is to cut the buildings’ emissions by 80%.



The mandates, touted as a local version of the Green New Deal embraced by many progressive Democrats will apply to 50,000 buildings – from buildings with a few dozen apartments to Trump Tower, the president~q~s Fifth Avenue skyscraper which advocates have targeted as a major polluter.

这些规定被宣传为许多进步民主党人拥护的“绿色新政”的纽约地方版本,它将被适用于5万幢建筑——从只有几十套公寓的建筑,到总统在第五大道的摩天大楼—特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)。倡议者将特朗普大厦列为主要污染源。


市议员科斯塔·康斯坦丁尼德斯(Costa Constantinides)认为:

"It will be the largest emissions reduction policy ever, in any city, the law puts caps on how many tons of carbon a building may produce per square foot, with different limits for residential, commercial and industrial buildings."


然而,这一法令却遭到了许多银行家、企业家、地产人员的强烈反对,纽约房地产委员会主席John Banks认为:

"The approach taken today will have a negative impact on our ability to attract and retain a broad range of industries, including technology, media, finance and life sciences, that provide opportunity and continued economic growth that is so important for our city".



To reach them, many buildings will have to replace heating or air conditioning systems with more efficient models or put in better insulation and windows. Or, they can use electricity from clean sources like solar and hydropower, which will not produce emissions.


尽管遭到多方反对,最终还是投票通过了这项法案。纽约市长De Blasio即将准备签署这项法令:

"It~q~s going to revolutionize our ability to reduce emissions through our buildings, which are really our number one problem here in New York City, We were going to need to do something very aggressive, particularly because the federal government is not doing their role.


文章来源:The Guardian, 18th, April, 2019.





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