



川普被弹劾后,白宫发表声明称,这是我们国家历史上最可耻的政治事件之一。以下是声明原文。 白宫发言人声明 今天标志着众议院在我们国家历史上最可耻的政治事件之一中达到顶峰。


事实上,数周的听证会已经证明他没有做错任何事。 在众议院民主党人的整个虚假弹劾过程中,总统被剥夺了基本的公平和法律规定的正当程序。众议院公然无视先例,闭门秘密进行调查,让情报委员会主席亚当希夫(Adam Schiff)和他的党派政治密友可以选择性地向媒体伙伴泄露信息,以推动虚假陈述。 当公开听证在主席希夫委员会之前举行时,民主党人继续玩弄他们的游戏,并拒绝总统盘问证人或提出证人或证据的能力。


这种违反宪法的歪曲导致了两项毫无根据的弹劾条款,缺乏任何证据支持,甚至没有描述任何可弹劾的罪行。 所有这些滑稽的举动清楚地表明,民主党忽视了这个国家需要的是一个为人民服务的国会。他们对川普总统的无限敌意,助长了他们想要宣布2016年大选结果无效、并不正当地影响2020年大选的愿望。

美国人民不会被这种可耻的行为所愚弄。他们懂得公平、正当程序和大量可靠的证据是任何美国人被指控违法之前都必须具备的当然在弹劾一个正式选举产生的总统之前也是如此。 总统相信参议院将恢复正常秩序、公平和正当程序,而这一切在众议院的程序中都被忽略了。他对下一步的行动已做好了准备,并相信自己会被彻底洗脱罪名。



Statement from the Press Secretary Issued on: December 18, 2019


Today marks the culmination in the House of one of the most shameful political episodes in the history of our Nation. Without receiving a single Republican vote, and without providing any proof of wrongdoing, Democrats pushed illegitimate articles of impeachment against the President through the House of Representatives. Democrats have chosen to proceed on this partisan basis in spite of the fact that the President did absolutely nothing wrong. Indeed, weeks of hearings have proved that he did nothing wrong.

Throughout the House Democrats entire sham impeachment, the President was denied fundamental fairness and due process under the law. The House blatantly ignored precedent and conducted the inquiry in secrecy behind closed doors so that Chairman Adam Schiff and his partisan political cronies could selectively leak information to their partners in the media to push a false narrative.

When public hearings were held before Chairman Schiffs committee, Democrats continued their games and denied the President the ability to cross-examine witnesses or present witnesses or evidence. The proceedings in the Judiciary Committee included no fact witnesses at all and consisted solely of a biased law seminar and a staffer rehashing the slanted report that was produced by Chairman Schiffs rigged proceeding. This unconstitutional travesty resulted in two baseless articles of impeachment that lack any support in evidence and fail even to describe any impeachable offense.

All of these antics make clear that Democrats have lost sight of what this country needs, which is a Congress that works for the people. Their boundless animus for President Trump fuels their desire to nullify the 2016 election results, and improperly influence the 2020 election.

The American people are not fooled by this disgraceful behavior. They understand fairness, due process, and substantial, reliable evidence are required before any American should be charged with wrongdoingand certainly before impeaching a duly elected President.

The President is confident the Senate will restore regular order, fairness, and due process, all of which were ignored in the House proceedings. He is prepared for the next steps and confident that he will be fully exonerated. President Trump will continue to work tirelessly to address the needs and priorities of the American people, as he has since the day he took office.


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