


Eight Diagrams Spend Money



Collection introduction:


Bagua money belongs to the category of "spending money" which is tired of winning money. Since the Han Dynasty, officials and private furnaces in our country have been making drums and castings to weary of winning money. There are many kinds of them. "Eight Diagrams Money" is the figure of Eight Diagrams and the eight characters of Qian, Kun, Zhenzhen, Su, Kan, Li, Gun and Duan; the backword is mostly twelve characters (Zi, Ugly, Yin, Mao, etc.) and the corresponding Zodiac pictures (rats, cattle, tigers, rabbits, etc.). In ancient times, people believed that this money could avoid evil and protect themselves from evil. There were many formats in the past dynasties, with different sizes and formats.



The Eight Diagrams Money, which is really the money spent by heaven and earth, occupies a large proportion in the family weary of winning money. From the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has been forged for generations and imitated several generations of the same kind. According to legend, there is a saying that "one copper Eight Diagrams is better than fifty dollars" among the people. Because of its small amount of casting, it is mostly hidden in the Palace of Pagoda, and the more ancient, it is rare to open the first edition.

The Eight Diagrams originated from the Book of Changes and were much earlier than the Eight Diagrams Qian. The "Three Saints of Yi" refers to one Saint Fuxi, two Saints King Jichang of Zhou Wen and three Saints Confucius. This is the ancestor of the creation of the Book of Changes. It can be seen from a long time ago. The Eight Diagrams originally means to hang, hanging eight symbols symbolizing nature. Symbols are composed of three parallel horizontal lines, using the central break of the horizontal line and constant changes to form eight groups:


Weary of winning money is also known as winning money. It has been cast since the Han Dynasty. Its original meaning is mainly to suppress evil and calamity and to celebrate and pray for blessings. Later, the scope of money-weariness became wider and wider, such as opening furnace, town warehouse, gifts, rewards, blessings, disaster prevention, divination, entertainment, drama, accessories, zodiac and so on, all cast money-weariness. Throughout the dynasties, the content of all kinds of calligraphy and patterns mostly reflects the etiquette and fashion at that time. Therefore, it is of great reference value for investigating the politics, folklore and culture of each dynasty. In addition to copper, there are also gold, silver, tin, lead and other materials. The emergence and development of being tired of winning money had a lot to do with many aspects of the society at that time, which mostly reflected people~q~s desire to pray for peace and prosperity.


The Eight Diagrams Money is mainly used for town houses, security, disease dispelling, witchcraft divination and so on. It is said that the Eight Diagrams Money flourished during the Daoguang Period of the Qing Dynasty. It was used to build palaces by placing beams on them to ward off evil spirits and pray for good fortune. From Daoguang to the end of the Qing Dynasty, in order to avoid military disturbances and evil spirits, people also put money in the Eight Diagrams when building a house. After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, it was mainly used for witchcraft divination.


"Eight Diagrams Money" is issued as "spending money" and not for circulation, but for entertainment, commemoration and other uses, not "coins", so the complicated edition of "Eight Diagrams Money" does not attract special attention from collectors,Collection value is high.


(official collection details)


This group of five emperors~q~money, weighing about 15g, has been cherished by Quanjia for its good quality, scarce stock, scarcity and exquisite quality. Its historical value and collection value are self-evident.


Size: about 15g


The collection is from Ms. Xu in Hangzhou, and the procedures are in good order. At present, we will arrange to participate in the large-scale auction in 2019, UK International. Please look forward to it! For bidding for this item, please contact the relevant business personnel of our company to handle the special bidding number plate in advance.








【杂项精品】:历代名家文房用品、紫砂、田黄、瓷板画、鸡血石、牙雕、古币,砚台古籍 善本、金银器等。



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4、所有買家或拍賣競拍人必須 通過 資産驗資



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