


Five Emperors~q~Money



Collection introduction:



The five emperors~q~money is divided into the big five emperors~q~ money and the small five emperors~q~money. The big five emperors~q~ money refers to half-two money in Qin Dynasty, five baht money in Han Dynasty, Kaiyuan Tongbao in Tang Dynasty, Song and Yuan Tongbao in Song Dynasty and Yongle Tongbao in Ming Dynasty. The material of the big five emperors~q~money belongs to bronze, which has a long history and a small stock.

Now the five emperors~q~money often refers to the small five emperors~q~ money. Shunzhi Tongbao, Kangxi Tongbao, Yongzheng Tongbao, Qianlong Tongbao and Jiaqing Tongbao are made of brass, which is close to this generation and has a large stock.

大五帝钱秦半两汉五铢、唐开元通宝、宋宋元通宝、明永乐通宝,分别对应建立了千秋功业、彪炳华夏史册的秦始皇汉武帝唐太宗宋太祖、明永乐大帝 其中秦皇(始皇帝)、汉武(大帝)、唐宗(天可汗)、宋祖(开创文治盛世)都是公认的大帝(见毛泽东《沁园春·雪》),明成祖朱棣史称永乐大帝,他五次亲征北伐蒙古,命令编纂《永乐大典》,发起了影响世界历史进程的郑和下西洋,将璀璨的中华文明的辉播洒至所到之处。

The five emperors Qian Qin Half-Liang, Han Wubaht, Tang Kaiyuan Tongbao, Song Song Yuan Tongbao and Ming Yongle Tongbao corresponded to the Qinshihuang, Han Wudi, Tang Taizong, Song Taizu and Ming Yongle emperors who established the Qianqiu Gong and Binghua history books respectively.  Among them, Qin Huang (the first emperor), Hanwu (the Great Emperor), Tang Zong (Tiankehan), Song Zu (the founder of the prosperous period of Wenzhi) were all recognized emperors (see Mao Zedong~q~s "Qinyuan Spring Snow"). Zhu Di, the founder of Ming Chengzu, was called Yongle Great Emperor. He personally expedited Mongolia five times and ordered the compilation of Yongle Grand Canon to influence world history. The process of Zheng He~q~s voyage to the West will spread the brilliant glory of Chinese civilization everywhere.

小五帝钱常指“清代五帝钱”,是清朝最兴盛的五位帝王(顺治、康熙、雍正、乾隆和嘉庆)在位期间所铸造的古钱。自1644年顺治帝登基,至1820年嘉庆帝驾崩 ,这五位帝王相继在位176年,是清朝最辉煌的时期,在位期间国势强盛,出现了历史上著名的“康乾盛世”。

Small Five Emperors Qian is often referred to as "Five Emperors Qian of Qing Dynasty". It is the most prosperous five emperors of Qing Dynasty (Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong and Jiaqing) coined during their reign. From 1644 when Emperor Shunzhi ascended the throne to 1820 when Emperor Jiaqing collapsed [2], these five emperors successively reigned for 176 years, which was the most brilliant period of the Qing Dynasty. During their reign, the country was strong, and the famous "prosperous times of Kang and Qian" appeared in history.



Ancient Chinese people always used ancient coins to exorcise evil spirits. Historically, Fangkong Tongbao~q~s money, regardless of size, is hung around the neck with a red thread. The copper money has gone through the hands of tens of thousands of people, gathering the Yang Qi of hundreds of families and resisting evil spirits.

1. Five emperors~q~money has the functions of shielding, preventing villains, avoiding evil spirits, prospering wealth and praying for blessings. Since ancient times, Chinese people have worn coins to shield, prevent villains, avoid evil spirits, prosperous wealth and pray for blessings. Five emperors~q~money is coined by the five most prosperous emperors in the Chinese nation. As a result, the five emperors~q~ money gathers more of the popularity of heaven, earth and human beings, together with the wealth of hundreds of circulating families, so it can be used to build houses and eliminate evil spirits. It also has the function of prosperous wealth, and can strengthen the owner~q~s self-confidence and resolve the defect of six gods without ownership.


2. Five emperors~q~money is a spiritual weapon and a legal object, which has both the power of emperor and the national god. In ancient times, people believed in the idea of emperor~q~s power conferred by god. They believed that emperor~q~s power was conferred by heaven, and only emperor was the incarnation of God who communicated with heaven and earth. The Five Emperors Qian is precisely the condensation of such imperial tyranny and Chinese spirit, and has made great achievements. The Five Emperors of the Qing Dynasty created a century-old prosperity of the Qing Dynasty. Emperor Qin Shihuang unified China, opened a great cause for thousands of years, and made great contributions to the construction of the world. Emperor Wudi of Han Dynasty opened up the Silk Road, which was called the "hollow journey" by the world. Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty established the Tang Empire, which was honored as "Tiankehan" and was world-famous. Taizu of Song Dynasty established the most prosperous economic and cultural Dynasty in ancient Chinese history; Emperor Yongle of Ming Dynasty invaded Mongolia five times and created the era of "the Son of Heaven guards the country", compiled the world~q~s earliest Encyclopedia "Yongle Dadian" in culture, launched an unprecedented scale of Zheng He~q~s voyage in trade, and Tongbao of Ming Yongle became the hard currency of international/regional trade at that time. The majesty and momentum of the emperor are widely spread at home and abroad, which shows the great power of his majesty and national momentum. As the ancient money they forged is a relic with imperial power left to future generations, the real five emperors~q~money is both precious and rare.


Five emperors~q~money has all the functions of ancient money, such as disaster avoidance, blessings, prayers and so on. But compared with the ordinary ancient money, whether it is the big five or the small five emperors~q~money, they gather more of the spirit of the Chinese land, the Chinese nation, the true destiny of the Son of Heaven, and inherit the spirit of hundreds of schools.


(official collection details)


This group of five emperors~q~money, weighing about 22.6g, has been cherished by Quanjia for its good quality, scarce stock, scarcity and exquisite quality. Its historical value and collection value are self-evident.


Size: about 22.6g


The collection is from Ms. Xu in Hangzhou, and the procedures are in good order. At present, we will arrange to participate in the large-scale  auction in 2019, UK International. Please look forward to it! For bidding for this item, please contact the relevant business personnel of our company to handle the special bidding number plate in advance.








【杂项精品】:历代名家文房用品、紫砂、田黄、瓷板画、鸡血石、牙雕、古币,砚台古籍 善本、金银器等。



2、賣家需知:本公司只征集 真品,精品


4、所有買家或拍賣競拍人必須 通過 資産驗資



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聯係電話 / Tel: +86-13710050463  

微信micro letter/13710050463


dynasty emperor emperors money tongbao



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