【开笔启智,传承传统 ——大班开笔礼】



正衣冠,明事理 ---“衣冠”不仅意味着遮羞,更重要的是反应人的精神面貌。

瞻先人,感育恩 ——孩子们大步跨过门槛,向孔子先生参拜


 朗读经典 ——老师为孩子上了一节启蒙课



击鼓明智--- 击鼓的声音越响,声音传得越远,志向就越大,目标就越明确。





The First Writing Ceremony is a traditional Chinese custom, which enlightens children both in heart and spirit. The children learn basic principles through reading, writing and studying the works of Confucius.

The Big Class level children who attend Calgary Kindergarten had their First Writing Ceremony at the Xi Qiao Chinese Culture and Cinema Studio on May 10th, 2019. What an awesome, cultural experience!

In Chinese there is a saying, straighten up the clothing to understand the principles. The clothes not only cover a persons naked form, but also represent a persons mental outlook.

There is also the saying, worshiping ancestors, being thankful for education. The children eagerly stepped over the door frame and placed flowers at Confuciuss feet.

The initial reading of the San Zi Jing by the teacher.  At first, the teacher reads alone, after which he is accompanied by the children in reading the text aloud.

A red dot is painted on the forehead during this ceremony giving the blessing of a good reading habit and the ability to understand with the heart what one sees with the eyes.

The writing of the Chinese character  or person.  This is the first character a child will write when they begin their education.  This is not only teaching them how to write, but also representative of teaching children how to be a human being.

When playing the drum, louder sounds travel faster.  This can be understood to mean the bigger the dream, the clearer the goal.

The First Writing Ceremony is important not only for its cultural meaning, but in helping to develop more responsible study habits, encouraging a love of learning.  We hope that all children will be able to study hard, respect teachers and parents, set great goals, as well as handle any situation with love and a good set of morals.  


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