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1. Abigail Finney was in her freshman year at Purdue University in Indiana in February 2017 when she fell asleep in her boyfriend’s dorm room. During the night he snuggled up to her in bed in the pitch black, his hand grazing her breast, and they began having sex. She soon stopped to go to the bathroom and, when she returned, discovered, to her horror, that it wasn’t her boyfriend who was in bed with her.

2017年2月的一天,印第安纳州普渡大学(Purdue University)大一学生艾比盖尔·芬尼(Abigail Finney)在男友的宿舍睡着了。漆黑的夜里,他紧贴着她的身体,手抚摸她的胸部,他们开始做爱。没过多久,她停下来去洗手间,回来时,她惊恐地发现刚才跟他同床的并非男友。

2. Was it rape? Ms. Finney thought so and went to the police, who arrested Donald Grant Ward, the 19-year-old impostor. Mr. Ward, a friend of her boyfriend’s, admitted that he knew he was tricking Ms. Finney; he was charged with two counts of rape, which carries a sentence of three to 16 years.

这算强奸吗?芬尼认为算,于是报警,警察逮捕了19岁的冒名顶替者唐纳德·格兰特·沃德(Donald Grant Ward)。沃德是她男友的朋友,他承认知道自己在蒙骗芬尼;他被控两项强奸罪名,刑期3至16年。

3. The Finney family connected with Joyce Short, an activist and sexual assault survivor who runs ConsentAwareness.net. Ms. Short, 70, wants a universal law stating that consent is “freely given, knowledgeable, and informed agreement.” This may sound obvious, but it’s actually not, because there’s no universal definition of consent in the United States. Each state defines it differently, if it defines it at all.

芬尼的家人联系上了乔伊斯·肖特(Joyce Short)。肖特是一名活动人士,有过遭性侵的经历,在掌管一个名为ConsentAwareness.net的网站。现年70岁的肖特希望确立一项普适法则,明确知情同意(consent)是“自愿、了解、知情的认同”。这听来是显而易见的事情,但实情并非如此,因为在美国对“知情同意”没有一个普遍的定义。每个州都不一样,有的根本没定义。


4. “Most people think all types of agreement are consent,” said Ms. Short, who has written three books and done a TedX Talk on the subject. “They’re not.” While Ms. Short does not equate trickery to obtain sex with violent rape, she does believe it should be a Class D or E felony, with jail sentences of one to four years and a fine of $10,000.


5. Ms. Short says there is a clear distinction between consent and assent. “Consent means ‘freely given, knowledgeable and informed agreement.’ Assent means ‘agreement on the face of it.’ So, when someone tells you a lie, you can be agreeing on the face of it but you’re not knowledgeable or informed. You can assent and agree, but that doesn’t mean you’re consenting.”



6. In Missouri, for example, “Assent does not constitute consent if it is induced by force, duress or deception.” In Tennessee, it’s considered rape if there’s “sexual penetration … accomplished by fraud.” In Alabama, it’s a misdemeanor, classified as “sexual misconduct,” if consent was obtained by the use of any fraud or artifice.


7. In some states—but not Indiana—it’s considered rape by deception if you impersonate a spouse or partner. The same is true for those who abuse medical privilege, like Larry Nassar, the doctor for the American women’s gymnastics team, who had told his patients that touching their genitals was medically necessary. He was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison.

在一些州——不包括印第安纳州——如果你冒充配偶或伴侣,就会被视为欺骗强奸。这也适用于那些滥用医疗特权的人,比如美国女子体操队的队医劳伦斯·纳萨尔(Larry Nassar),他告诉病人触摸她们的生殖器在医学上是必要的。他被判处40至175年监禁。

8. Failure to disclose being H.I.V. positive is also a criminal offense nationwide, although states vary about not revealing other sexually transmitted diseases, such as herpes. “Gender fraud” — when people misrepresent their birth gender to potential sexual mates — likewise remains a gray area. Sean O’Neill was convicted of gender fraud in Colorado in 1996, and five people have been convicted in the United Kingdom since 2012.

在全美范围内,隐瞒HIV阳性也是一种犯罪行为,虽然各州在隐瞒其他性传播疾病方面存在差异,比如疱疹。 “性别诈骗”——对潜在性伴侣不实表述出生时的性别——同样仍处于灰色地带。1996年,科罗拉多州的肖恩·奥尼尔(Sean O’Neill)被判处性别欺诈罪,自2012年以来,英国已有5人被判犯有此罪。

9. While there are laws to protect against “catfishing,” or online impersonation, they typically focus on identity theft for financial gain or fraud, said Brad Shear, a lawyer in Bethesda, Md., who specializes in sexual privacy and cybersecurity law.

虽然已有法律防范“网络自夸”(catfishing),即在网上冒充他人的行为,但专长性隐私和网络安全法领域的马里兰州贝塞斯达市律师布拉德·希尔(Brad Shear)说,它们往往侧重于为获利或诈骗而实施的身份盗窃。

10. But what happens when there’s no financial gain? That depends on where you live. In some states, “If you pretend to be a particular person such as Tom Brady and the other person is relying on that claim to consent to sex, that may be deemed a sexual assault,” said Mr. Shear.

但如果没有获得经济利益又会怎样?这取决于你的居住地。在某些州,“如果你假装成一个人,比如汤姆·布雷迪(Tom Brady),而另一个人根据这一说法同意发生性关系,这可能会被视为性侵犯,”希尔说。

11. In Iowa in April 2015, Michael Kelso-Christy, who was 23 at the time, created a fake Facebook account under the name of a man who had attended his high school. He messaged several women under this name, and one woman actually met him at her home, where she was waiting for him blindfolded, per his request. They had sex, and he left. Soon after, his Facebook account disappeared and he stopped messaging her. That’s when the woman realized he was an impostor, and called the police.

2015年4月在爱荷华州,时年23岁的迈克尔·凯尔索-克里斯蒂(Michael Kelso-Christy)创建了一个假Facebook账号,用的是和他上过同一所高中的某男子姓名。他用这个名字给多名女性发了信,一名女性真的同意了和他在她家见面,依他的要求,她当时在家中蒙上眼等他。他们发生了性关系,然后他离开。没过多久,他的Facebook账号消失,他不再给她发信。那时这名女性才意识到他是冒名顶替者,于是报了警。

12. After an appeal by Mr. Kelso-Christy, Chief Justice Mark Cady ultimately ruled in the woman’s favor, noting that Mr. Kelso-Christy had denied her the “‘freedom of choice’ that breathes life into our sexual abuse statutes.” He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

在凯尔索-克里斯蒂上诉后,首席法官马克·卡迪(Mark Cady)最终判定这名女性胜诉,指出凯尔索-克里斯蒂剥夺了她的“给我们的性虐待成文法注入生机的‘自由选择权’”。他被判处10年监禁。

13. But the law remains fuzzy in many locales. Some worry that legislating deception is a slippery slope, because where do you draw the line? Is it deception if a woman dates two men concurrently and they don’t know about each other? Or what if you inject Botox into your crow’s feet and say you are younger than you are, or say “I love you” in order to have sex, but don’t mean it? In 2014, a sexual assault by fraud bill was introduced in New Jersey after a woman was impregnated by a man who falsely claimed to be a British spy. The bill went nowhere.



14. In February 2018, Donald Ward was acquitted in the Indiana case and his record expunged. Kirk Freeman, his lawyer, argued that lying and deceit didn’t count as rape. In January of this year, legislators introduced two bills that added a definition of deception to Indiana’s rape law, and also defined any sexual activity as rape if there was no consent. Neither bill was heard.

2018年2月,唐纳德·沃德在上述印第安纳案件中被无罪释放并清除案底。他的律师柯克·弗里曼(Kirk Freeman)辩称,撒谎和欺骗不构成强奸。是年1月,立法者提出了两项议案,在印第安纳强奸法中增加对欺骗的定义,并将未征得知情同意的任何性行为定义为强奸。两项议案均未进入听证程序。

15. That hasn’t stopped other legislators, in other states, from trying to address the issue. As a result of Ms. Finney’s case in Indiana, Representative Mandy Powers Norrell, Democrat of South Carolina, introduced her own rape by fraud bill, which is supposed to be introduced in the next few months.

这并未阻止其他州的其他立法者尝试解决这一问题。鉴于印第安纳州的芬尼案,南卡罗来纳州民主党议员曼蒂·鲍尔斯·诺雷尔(Mandy Powers Norrell)提出了她自己的诈骗强奸议案,应该会在未来几个月里提交讨论。

16. “Most states have ‘kidnapping by force’ and ‘kidnapping by fraud’ laws,” said Colin Miller, a professor of law at the University of South Carolina School of Law, in Columbia, who helped draft the bill. “The former is abduction. Kidnapping by fraud is if I tell them a lie to get them to accompany me to a location. It’s the same thing with rape by deception. If someone is pretending to be someone’s boyfriend or spouse and they think they’re consenting to a sexual act with that person, that seems to be rape by fraud in the same way as kidnapping by fraud.”

“大部分州都有‘强行绑架’和‘诈骗绑架’,”参与该议案起草的哥伦比亚南卡来罗纳大学法学院(University of South Carolina School of Law)法学教授科林·米勒(Colin Miller)说。“前者是绑架。诈骗绑架是比如我通过说谎,骗他们随我到某地。这和欺骗强奸是一回事。如果有人假装成某人的男友或配偶,他们认为他们得到了与此人发生性关系的知情同意,这应该是诈骗强奸,和诈骗绑架是一个道理。”

17. Ms. Short is hopeful that the bill will pass. “No one should be tricked, deceived, coerced, violently overwhelmed, drugged or intoxicated into sexual conduct,” she said. “Everyone has the right to determine who they engage with sexually based on both knowledge of the action and clear and informed knowledge of the actor.”


 精 读 解 析 


P1—P2: Abigail Finney遭遇强奸。





• snuggle up 依偎


They snuggled up together in bed.


• impostor /ɪm~q~pɒstə/ n. 冒名顶替者;骗子


The man turned out to be an impostor.  


 be charged with 承担,被控告;


She has yet to be charged with any crime.


• constitute /~q~kɒnstɪtjuːt/ vt. 构成, 组成;建立, 制定;选定, 任命


constitute a crime进行犯罪;构成犯罪


A committee was constituted to investigate into that.


• duress /djʊ(ə)~q~res/ n. 监禁;强迫


Accomplices under duress shall go unpunished.


• misdemeanor /ˌmɪsdɪˈmi:nə/ n. 不法行为;(相对于重罪的)轻罪,小罪


Hepleaded no contest to two misdemeanor counts.


• impersonate /ɪm~q~pɜːs(ə)neɪt/ vt. 扮演;模仿, 假冒


Under no circumstances will I impersonate the FBI.


This impersonation was recorded and uploaded onto a social networking site.


• gymnastics /dʒɪm~q~næstɪks/ n. 体操;体育


Gymnastics is a sport that requires a considerable level of coordination.


• transmit /trænz~q~mɪt/ vt. & vi. 发射, 播送, 广播;传染


Her illness was transmitted to other members of the family.


• herpes /~q~hɜːpiːz/ n. 〈医〉疱疹

• misrepresent /ˌmɪsreprɪ~q~zent/ vt. 故意对…作错误的报道n. 误传


You are misrepresenting the views of the government.


• cybersecurity 网络安全


The revised agreement will allow more cooperation between the two allies on intelligence sharing, cybersecurity, and surveillance and reconnaissance operations.


• catfishing 网络自夸


• assault /ə~q~sɔːlt/ n. 攻击;袭击v. 袭击;攻击


Mike very unwisely assaulted a police officer.


• per /pɜː/ prep. 〈拉〉(表示关涉)通过, 由;(表示根据)依照, 根据;(表示比率)(尤指数量, 价格, 时间)每


Per se本身,自身


Immersion per se does not work.


made as per instructions.


• acquit /ə~q~kwɪt/ v. 宣判…无罪;使(自己)作出某种表现


acquit of宣判无罪


He was acquitted of the crime.


He acquitted himself well of his duty.

consent fraud rape sexual 例句



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