
加拿大的纽芬兰和拉布拉多(Newfoundland and Labrador)近日迎来了半个世纪以来最大的暴风雪,在这样的极端天气下,加拿大人是怎样活下去的呢?来看看加拿大网友分享的“苦中作乐图”。


How To Make A Snowman From At Home

The Snow Is Piled Up So Hard Against My Door The Doorbell Actually Just Rang

Ice Build Up On House In Cape Bonavista

Newfoundlanders Have The Best Sense Of Humour!

What A Cool Driveway In Newfoundland

Nl Blizzard

Surviving Nlblizzard With A Sense Of Humour!

Should I Go Over Or Not?

Well, That’s One Car

When Your Son, Who Just Got His License This Week, Doesn~q~t Realize The Sunroof Is Open A Crack Before The Worst Snowstorm On Record

Walls So High It’s Preventing A Lot Of Further Build Up. Nice!

Got Their Car Out. Now Just To Run The Wipers And Get That Bit Of Snow Off The Windshield

Scooby Now Has A State-Of-The-Art "Doggy Snow Outhouse"

Bit Of Snow Down On My Street

What A Load Of Snow!! I~q~m Just Over 6ft Tall

All We Can Do Now Is Hibernate!

You Know The Snow Is Deep When You Can Have A Tunnel Going To Your Front Door

Holy F......still Not Over

Folks Don~q~t Forget To Check Under Your Hood!

Dig Out The Door I Guess

Well, I Found A Place To Keep My Dietcoke Cold! All Is Good!

Current Status

We Still Haven~q~t Reached The Road

From The Air You Can See The Trenches To Reach Buried Cars

(来源:Boredpanda 编辑:丹妮)

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